
Chicago JSS Would Understand


Deo Volente (God Willing)
by Maverick.214
(from The Mexicana Poem Collection: Tequila Sunsets)

When I look back at the silhouettes of yesterday
Cast by dark shades of life's experiences, foibles, and wonderful rhythms,
Will there be a moment ever as peaceful as when I, first, saw you?
Gentle tufts of clouds pull at my conscience, teasing me to seek comfort in the illusion of the past.

On a highway somewhere, I once drove to the end of the earth
Where upon circumstance I came upon a fork in the road.
Will there be a moment ever as lonely as when I, first, forgot you?
Cold stretches of asphalt turn even blacker at night, reminding me to seek truth in the reality of the present.

Through an opening in my heart, I've often let my feelings pour forth
Decades of blood filled with thought, yearning, and desire.
Will there be a moment ever as forgiving as when I, first, recovered you?
A desert breeze casually pushes me forward, empowering me to seek friendship in the possibility of the future.

When I take a last glance at the fading shadows,
I will not fear losing you in time, space, distance.
Perhaps, I never lost you in my heart
Or on long stretches of road, leading to the big sky where only a breeze understands my words.

It's taken some time
But I've found you, again.
Please forgive me as I redeem myself in rhythm and rhyme;
letting go of the person I used to be.

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