
Deep Star IV

Deep Star IV
by Maverick.214
(from Eres Tan Linda Como Una Flor, Barbara Volume I)

A reed bends in the wind,
knowing only that it is not bamboo;
yet it harmonizes with God's lungs.

Between layers of timeless embraces,
forgetting the pain of egoistical disgraces;
men love women for all they give.

A midnight cricket balances on the water,
understanding only that it is one with the river of life;
yet it ripples the night air with songs of the past, present and future.

Over valleys of smoothed stones and jagged rocks are tears,
flowing only from those who do not understand impermanence;
yet it defeats the purpose of memory.

A ray of hope lights the darkest hour,
favoring only those who are truly lost;
yet it reminds a simple man like me of life's value.

I am a distant star in an unknown universe,
watching you and me with a smile that catches all my tears;
yet I reach out for what is not there.

Deepest within
is an even deeper well;
yet I cannot drown in it until I know that I serve no more purpose
in this life.

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